The Invasion of the Tearling

Since this is a sequel this is going to have spoilers for book one, for which I have a review here. Also this book should have a trigger warning for rape, spousal abuse, and self harm.
This book picks up right where the first book ended. The Mort Army is on it's way, Kelsey has to deal with the consequences of stopping the slave shipment. This book also has a dual time lines, Kelsea and Lily, a precrossing woman, in it which explains so much more of the world and how we ended up in a regressed future.
This book got the same rating for me because I liked it about the same but in different ways. I felt like the plot moved a lot better, I was glad that a lot of the questions from book one were answered. However I found the dual story lines introduced in a rather clunky way. When we first where introduced to Lily I was so jarred and confused about what was going on, and even after I knew what was going on I was still really felt off balance for the first few switches. I thought the pacing was better in this book even though the two stories where clunky at first, something seemed to be always happening in both stories.
Some other things I liked: I really l liked the characters in this book and the character development we see. I think this really helped a lot. I liked learning more about the side characters, and I liked seeing Kelsea struggle with what kind of person she wants to be. Also there is a romance in this book that I actually liked, which is a bit rare for me in regards to YA.
One thing that I didn't love in this book where the elements of self harm. I see why it was in there, I just don't think it was necessary. I liked that Kelsea seemed real in the first book with her self doubt about her body but while I know self harm is something lots of people deal with, and some of her emotions surrounding it where pretty honest to actual self harm, I don't think it served purpose large enough to merit it's inclusion.
Yes I will be picking up book three as I said in my last review. I like this world I like how this book ended but I also feel like I have no idea how the story is going to wrap up which leaves me interested. I am still curious about the world Johansen has built and and excited to see how it all comes together since she delayed the release to give it the proper ending.
Lingering questions and spoiler things below.
(show spoiler)